Friday, September 21, 2007

Back Again

First off--the things I am grateful for today. The beautiful cool weather, my home, my yard, my son Jonah, PBS Kids. It's 11:32 on this wonderfully cool Friday. Jonah and I have been up since 8:30 late for us (he had a late put down). We've done a lot in the past 3 hours, breakfast (he had dad's leftover pizza, I had toast with cherry preserves), we danced around to Lucinda Williams song Joy--which I change the words to. I have a sister Joy and I sing with a sinister look "You took Aunt Joy and I want her back, You took Aunt Joy and I want her back. I'm going to go to West Memphis to look for Aunt Joy..." I lumber after Jonah while singing this and he runs for cover. He loves it and hates it. I think I was particularly scary this morning as he said "Mom, let's not play this game anymore." The next couple of hours we spent building our Native American lodge out back and collecting food for the coming winter; mushrooms, bamboo, honeysuckle, grape and poke weed. He got excited about the notion of making a dye out of poke weed berries, and became insistent about us making a long trek to find some more weeds with berries on them. My homesteading enthusiasm had waned and a battle was about to ensue until...until I mentioned PBS Kids. Jonah's t.v. priveleges have been revoked for the last two weeks, but a mom needs to disengage, do some writing, fold some clothes, organize a closet or two. PBS kids, it's a double edged sword, but today, today I am grateful.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Trying Again

"The littlest birds sing the prettiest songs" is playing on my pandora music site. I turn off the sound or all I'll be doing is listening to the music while I try to write. Hello, hello, I'm back. I know nobody reads my blog, but I pretend to have an audience because it gives me impetous to write. And that's what I'm trying to do right? Write. Why write? Oh I don't want to get into that, such a cliched topic, rather I'll tell you where I've been since my last blog. When was that? A year ago? Maybe more? Well I've been parenting, attending my once a week prompt writing class, trying to keep my house in relative order (which does not come natural folks), working at a marriage, dealing with a chronic illness, taking a glorious summer trip to Rhode Island to escape the brutal and depressing heat. So there, nothing exciting or glamourous jut the day-to-day that keeps us humans busy. My son Jonah is going to be 4 in two days (no party plans made as of yet). As he gets older I can feel the space for my own life opening. Also, the change in weather (high of 76) is doing wonders for my spirit. Without any promises, I'm going to try to blog in the mornings (I didn't say every morning) before I start on decluttering my desk, looking through mail, paying bills. Before the things of the day consume me. I'll just try to write a little something here for you: large, glorious, supportive, audience, to read and enjoy.
