Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Judi Pom?

Where'd you get the name Judi Pom? Hmm... that happened a long time ago, when I was just four years old. It was an accident really, well an intentional accident. My six siblings and I were sitting in the living room getting some after dinner time with dad. Someone asked dad if Uncle Dicky's real name was Uncle Dicky. My dad said "No, Uncle Dicky's real name is Richard. Dicky is a nickname." "Dad, What's a nickname?" "A nickname", explained my father, "is a name that you can use instead of your real name. Like Dicky for Richard, or Joe for Joseph. It can be a shorter version of the real name, or it can be a totally different name. Like Howie Timwabin (dad's pet name for my younger sister Joy) or Mary O'Rielly (ditto for my older sister Mary)."
(And I will stop here because I've run out of time at the moment and I want to keep my hoards of readers in deep suspense.)

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